With the traditional on-campus four-year college experience unavailable at many schools but price disparities remaining the same, Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges Council of Presidents Chair Jim Mabry believes the community college experience might 'appeal to a wider range of students.'
Now, as many bachelor's degree programs announce similar shifts, community colleges find themselves in a new position as the calculus behind where to attend higher education shifts. Leaders at the 15 community colleges across Massachusetts made decisions months ago to move the vast majority of classes online this fall, a step that they said gave them ample time to prepare for the unusual academic year that's about to unfold. (Screenshot)Ī summertime advertisement from Cape Cod Community College makes its case in plain financial terms: One course at the school will cost $670 during the upcoming pandemic-affected semester, compared to more than $2,000 at many four-year colleges. Facebook Email A Cape Cod Community College online advertisement compares the school's $670 per course cost to the more than $2,000 per course at many four-year colleges.